Member Profile
Nubia Herrera Beckett
Wealth Armor/WFG
Financial Professional/Habló Español
3312 keithshire way
Lexington, KY 40503
Office #:
About Me
I am Financial Planner with Wealth Armor/WFG. Our mission is "is to help families from all walks of life build a better future" Something I hold close to my heart. Growing up has a minority with limited resources we were train to think a financial consultation is only for the wealthy, Which in fact its not. I want to educate and help ALL FAMILIES.I’m a newer member and first time member holding the minority spot for SBDM PTA. I’m also board member to the Nest in Lexington, an organization I love so much, we do so much for the community and the surrounding county. I’m also a member to down to earth garden club in lexington, we do work at Waveland historic Museum and the nest.
If all that wasn’t enough I’m a single mom to 3 children and a beagle whom are my entire world.
Contact me
3312 keithshire way
Lexington, KY 40503 - 15622493844